
What Makes Our Vinyl Pool Liners Special

Below is a brief list of our assets. We could go on and on and on, but in the interest of time…

Our Seams

Our vinyl pool liners are welded using RF technology (just like everyone else). But that’s where the similarities end. Where most liner manufacturers use a 1/4″ to 1/2″ bar to weld, we use a full 1″ bar. “What does that matter” you ask? Well, a narrower bar used during the welding phase will squeeze the material out from under the bar leaving a ridge on either side of the seam. Those ridges collect dirt, but more importantly, the seam tends to be thinner than even a single ply of material, so a 20mil liner could be 18mil thick at the seam.

We also point our seams down-hill. It makes the seams less visible, and dirt won’t hang up on them.

Quick story for you: So I’m going through all the photos that our dealers submitted, looking for pictures for our patterns section and stumbled across a particular one. The seems were highly visable! I wondered how we could have let something like this go into a customer’s backyard. I also started to wonder how we could have physically produced something with such vivid seams with that pattern; blue ink on blue film makes our seams almost invisible. It turns out that it wasn’t our liner—the dealer installed the liner before coming on board with us. …I just thought you should know what some manufacturers are passing off as “quality” craftsmanship.

Bulgeless Corners

Often on rectangular pools the corners of the liner will bulge out; away from the pool wall, leaving a void behind the liner. This is caused by having less liner wall than pool wall. It’s unsightly and also leads to premature liner failure. We’ve found a way to combat this. I’d love to go into detail, but we’re going to keep it our little secret for now.

Premium Grade Vinyl Pool Liners

Our vinyl is 100% virgin (non-recycled). It’s also loaded with biocides, algaecides, UV inhibitors, and all that good stuff. We won’t go into detail about it because it’s generally the same stuff everyone else uses, unless they are using non-virgin material.

The Best Warranty in the Industry

Our liners are backed by a 25 year, 2 year full, pro-rated warranty–the longest in the industry. See your dealer for details.

Design Experience

I think it’s time to tell you a little about myself—the owner of Kayden Manufacturing (there’s more here). The first 10 years of my career were devoted to making a liner fit perfectly. I’ve developed a formula to make a liner fit wrinkle-free with as little “shrink” as possible. As discussed below, shrinking a liner causes it to stretch. Stretching a liner causes it to thin. Thinning a liner causes it to loose its integrity.

Yeah, our liners fit great, but what’s really important is they are designed to last longer.

Thick-walled Vinyl Pool Liners

In our commitment to quality, every liner we make has a 27mil wall. Granted, other companies offer a limited selection with this configuration, but none offer it for exclusively 100% of their selection.

So lets talk about why we only offer this configuration. Liners need to be replaced for two reasons—pattern fade and liner breakage (I guess ‘out of style’ could be a third but, remember—we’re trying to keep this short). Thicker wall material does not fade or break as easily. A pattern can fade because of bad pool chemistry, or UV exposure. Pool chemistry you can control, UV exposure you cannot. UV exposure can also lead to liner breakage. Fortunately water will filter out UV pretty well so what you have to be concerned about is UV at and above the waterline—where our material is thicker. But guess what—thicker material doesn’t mean thicker or more stable ink coverage….or does it?

It does! But not for the reasons you are thinking. What happens is upon installation a liner is stretched into place. This is how you get a wrinkle free, painted on look. The thicker material doesn’t stretch as easily as the thin material, so the stretch is distributed throughout the bottom of the liner instead of concentrated to the top of the wall (the area bearing most of the weight of the liner). A 20mil wall will stretch and thin disproportionately to the rest of the liner. The stretching of the vinyl will cause the tile to look distorted (especially in the deep end), cause the ink and protective top-coat to thin, and compromise the integrity of the vinyl as well; leading to premature breakage.

Furthermore, thicker wall material will hold up to the rigors of winter a little better. The ice will have to dig through an additional 35% to 40% more vinyl in order to achieve breakage.

To summarize:

  • UV exposure causes fading and breakage at and above the waterline
  • Thicker wall material stretches less than the thinner floor material
  • Stretching vinyl makes it thinner
  • Thinning the vinyl makes the top-coat and ink layers thinner
  • Thinning the vinyl compromises its integrity
  • Thicker wall material holds up better to ice
  • 27mil bottom material doesn’t make fiscal sense

It’s Not Expensive

They say all products are balanced by Price, Quality, and Timeliness. Although we focus on Quality, and we get our product out relatively quickly; our liners are not expensive. We keep costs down in a number of ways.

  • We don’t have an excessively large array of liner choices, keeping overhead down
  • Streamlined production, great relationships with our suppliers (snore)
  • I designed this website and I work cheap!

The Size of our Company

You’ve probably figured it out by now—we’re a small, family run company. You can be confident that someone with experience will be handling all aspects of your liner to exceed your expectations. As a matter of fact, if you called right now, Erika or I would probably answer the phone. Go ahead and try it. Learn all about us here.

Made in the U.S.A.

Our vinyl pool liners are designed, fabricated, and distributed right here in the USA. Nothing is outsourced.